This series speaks about human condition in poignant places, in difficult times. Interrogating on the theme of survival in borders around the world, I am interested in capturing stories that are a true testament of courage. These images recreate the moment when immigrants, displaced, refugees and asylum seekers are forced to cross a border. Desperation and bravery come together, a moment of invisibility, existing in the limit of two cruel worlds, where home does not exist anymore. The reality is far away from what they think it will be, they are confronted with the inimaginable.


Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua Mexico to El Pasto Texas, United States.A man tries to cross the port of entry introducing himself into a car seat. He was caught in the American side and send back to Mexico.

East Berlin, Germany to West. A man introduces himself into a luggage, he is placed on the train by his family. He was caught by a guard at Check Point Charlie and forced to go back. 13 years later he crossed freely when the Berlin Wall was destroyed.

Tangier Morocco, Africa to Algeciras, Spain. A woman travels inside of the extra tire of a van and is placed in the trunk. He traveled for 6 hours hidden with little oxygen. She is now living in El Ejido, Spain.

Tangier Morocco, Africa to Algeciras, Spain. A woman travels inside of the extra tire of a van and is placed in the trunk. He traveled for 6 hours hidden with little oxygen. She is now living in El Ejido, Spain.

Senegal Africa to Canary Islands, Spain. A man travels with in a small boat that carries 13 immigrants. The boat sinked and he was the only survivor. He currently lives in Tenerife, Spain.

Habana Cuba to Miami Florida, United States. 5 Cubans travel in a man made taxi boat across the Caribbean sea. They where intercepted in the American check point and send back. This is their third attempt. They are still living in Cuba and keep trying to cross.

Habana Cuba to Miami Florida, United States. 5 Cubans travel in a man made taxi boat across the Caribbean sea. They where intercepted in the American check point and send back. This is their third attempt. They are still living in Cuba and keep trying to cross.

Mali to Morroco, Africa to France, Europe. Subsaharian travels hidden inside of a mattress, he wants to get to the border of Morocco to cross to Europe. He is still trying to get to his destination. Mali, Africa a Marruecos, Africa.

Mali to Morroco, Africa to France, Europe. Subsaharian travels hidden inside of a mattress, he wants to get to the border of Morocco to cross to Europe. He is still trying to get to his destination. Mali, Africa a Marruecos, Africa.

North Korea to China A woman crosses the Tumen River holding on to the inside of a car tire that helped her float. She is currently living in Thailand, the only place where she cannot be deported. Her dream is to get to the United States.

Guatemala to San Juan Chacalito, Chiapas, Mexico. A 12 year old boy is detained in the Mexican port of entry for conducting a cargo truck with 19 undocumented people from El Salvador hidden in the back part of the vehicle. He was arrested by the police.

Nogales Sonora, to Arizona, United States. A man walks across the Arizona Dessert with his faith in the patron and saint of immigrants in Mexico. His trip lasted 4 days. His new home is Tucson, NM.

Nogales Sonora, to Arizona, United States. A man walks across the Arizona Dessert with his faith in the patron and saint of immigrants in Mexico. His trip lasted 4 days. His new home is Tucson, NM.

Kraqujevac, Serbia to Rome, Italy. A man buys a European Union Passport from the back market. The owner is Italian. He is currently living in Rome.

Calcuta, India to London, England. A 27 year old Doctor pays a widow to do an express marriage so he can obtain legar residency in her country. He is currently living in Wales while he waits for his passport or to be widowed.

El Salvador to Mexico to United States A man walks during 4 months across El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. When he reaches the border with the United States the is detained but is granted entrance to the country for a week because of his incredible story. He is currently living in Washington and works at a car repair shop.

Survival Kit given to the people who will cross the dessert of Sonora and Arizona. This is the last image of the series and the inspiration to the birth of WHAT REMAINS 10 years after.