On the border of Mexico and United States in Ciudad Juarez and El Paso TX.
Monica Lozano is a Mexican-American photographer born in El Paso, Texas and raised across the border in the sister city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Lozano received her Master’s Degree in Photography in Madrid, Spain in Escuela Universitaria TAI in 2008. Lozano's elegant and socially charged portraits have been exhibited in 21 Countries, she has won various international photo competitions and grants. Her work has been published in Portrait of Humanity book by British Journal of Photography and Magnum Photos, Witness from World Press Photo and"Two sides of the border" book by Arquitect Tatiana Bilbao and Yale University, to name a few. In 2011 Lozano finished the Photo Global residency at the School of Visual Arts in New York City on a presidential scholarship. During that time her work was featured under the “One To Watch” section of American Photo Magazine and Columbia Journalism Review selected her under the “20 Women to Watch” list. Lozano collaborated with the TED Award winner JR on his Inside Out Project in Mexico creating and coordinating a massive worldwide public art action called "Be The Change", this collaboration was featured in the film, Inside Out which premiered at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. Her work was selected for the opening exhibition of Latin America's first photographic and image museum Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos founded by the Pedro Meyer Foundation in Mexico City.
Lozano is currently documenting the dire conditions of immigrants, displaced, refugees and asylum-seekers housed in shelters and detention facilities in Mexico and the United States. Working along with The Crown Institute and the University of Colorado in Boulder using photography as a medium for youth to speak about their stories and develop programs for Trust and Belonging. Lozano's most recent project is WHAT REMAINS, a project funded by the Canadian art platform Artseverywhere were she is creating and directing along with Dr. Adriana Alvarez, Mabel Weber and Iris Morales, an art project that speaks about the full circle of immigration, beginning with the dangerous journey of crossing the border and what happens after immigrants arrive to the other side, "the promised land" and the invisible borders that still need to be crossed.
Monica keeps discovering her own journey through life along with her two sons and little masters who constantly teach her about the full spectrum of life and the profound experience of motherhood.
- Human Research and Social Behavior Research Investigator, Citi Program by the University of Colorado, Boulder. 2020.
- Photo Global Residency. School of Visual Arts, New York, United States. 2010 - 2011.
- Masters Degree in Advertising and Fashion Photography. TAI Escuela Superior de Artes y Espectáculos, Madrid, Spain. 2008 - 2009.
- BA Graphics Design and Visual Arts. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico. 2001 - 2005.
- The Renee Crown Institute of Wellness, and the University of Colorado Boulder, Photographer for research and educational projects. 2020 - Present.
- Monica Lozano Photography, Owner - Director. 2006 - Present.
- University of Texas at El Paso, Professor. 2018 - 2019.
- Quadro Productions, Photographer, CDMX 2010-2018.
- CBS Broadcasting Television Inc. Graphic Design / Photographer. 2007 - 2008.
- Habitat, Art Pavilion, London, 2024.
- A Tale of Two Hearts, Migrants. Museo de las Americas, Denver Colorado, 2024.
- What Remains, Renee Crown Institute of Wellness and University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, 2024.
- What Remains, Art Gallery of Guelph, Artseverywhere Festival, Ontario Canada, 2024.
- Invisible Borders by Fotografas del Norte, Tucson, Arizona. 2024.
- What Remains, Garden of Reflection, Bloody Sunday 52nd Anniversary, Derry, Donegal, Ireland. 2024
- Maletas Migrantes, Museo de la Revolución, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 2024.
- Mexico Street PhotoFest, Querétaro, México. 2023.
- Paisajes Posibles, Fotógrafas del Norte, Monterrey, México. 2023.
- Foto Arica, Fotógrafas del Norte, Arica, Chile. 2023.
- Little Amal Walk, What Remains Bracelet Art Installation, El Paso TX, 2023.
- What Remains, Garden of Reflection, Bloody Sunday Trust 51st Anniversary, Derry, Ireland. 2023
- Lo Que Permanece, Encuentro Internacional Movilidad Humana, Monterrey, Mexico. 2023.
- Invisible Borders by Fotografas del Norte, Consulado de Mexico en Tucson AZ. 2023
- Circles de Confianza, Crown Institute, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado. 2022
- Invisible Borders by Fotógrafas del Norte, Louis Carlos Bernal Art Gallery, Tucson AZ. 2022
- Fotografas del Norte, Vol. 1. Museo de Arte, Ciudad Juárez, México. 2022.
- Fotografas del Norte, Vol. 1, Fototeca de Zacatecas, México. 2022
- Live in America, Art Festival by fusebox, United States, 2021.
- Maletas Migrantes, Museo de la Revolucion en la Frontera, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. 2021.
- America Today, Kundsthal Kade Gallery, Netherlands. 2020-2021.
- Sent into Space, Portrait of Humanity photo exhibition done in the space of the orbit, by British Journal of Photography and Magnum Photos, 2020.
- Artespace - Art Auction for Doctors without Borders. Munich Germany. 2020
- Historias del COVID-19, Fotofeminas, 2020.
- Coronalibro, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, UAM and Royal Holloway University, London, 2020
- Border AIDS Partnership "ART IS LIFE" virtual Art Auction, El Paso TX. 2020.
- "Pecha Kucha" Vol. El Paso, TX. United States. 2020
- Grand Prix de la Photographie, Paris. 2019.
- Portrait of Humanity Exhibition and Book presented by British Journal of Photography and Magnum Photos, London. 2019.
- "Ambulante", Documentary Film Festival, bi national solo photo exhibition. 2019.
- Threads of Reality and Benito Greene, 2019.
- "Exilios Fotográficos", Museo Casa Redonda, Chihuahua. México, 2019.
- "Exilios Fotográficos", INBA, Ciudad Juárez. 2018-19.
- "BORDERS", Sardinia, Italy, 2017.
- "Disarmante", Cagliari, Italy, 2017.
- Todos Somos Migrantes, Copenhagen, 2017.
- Todos Somos Migrantes, Madrid, Spain, 2017.
- Todos Somos Migrantes, Barcelona, 2017.
- Todos Somos Migrantes, Alicante, 2017.
- Todos Somos Migrantes, Caceres, Spain, 2017.
- Ayotzinapa 26, cortometraje documental, Filmoteca, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. UNAM, Mexico City. 2016.
- "Todos Somos Migrantes", Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO), Puebla, Mexico. 2016.
- "No nos cabe tanta Muerte", Puebla, Mexico. 2016.
- "Todo Por Ver", Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos, Mexico City, 2015.
- "No nos cabe tanta Muerte", Granada, Spain. 2015.
- "BORDERS", Transnational Art Biennial, El Paso-Juarez, 2015.
- "Todos Somos Migrantes", Madrid, España, 2014.
- "Madrid. Ext/Dia", PhotoEspaña, Madrid, 2014.
- "Todos Somos Migrantes", Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO), Mexico City, 2013-2014.
- "Borders", Basico, El Paso TX, 2013-2014.
- "Todos Somos Migrantes", Fototeca, Zacatecas, México 2013.
- "Todos Somos Migrantes", CDMX, México 2013.
- "No nos cabe tanta Muerte", Barcelona, Spain. 2012 -13.
- "The Other Side", Solo Exhibition, International Arts Movement, New York. 2012.
- Temple to the Future, El Paso TX. 2012.
- "Inside Out Project", Juarez / El Paso, border of México and USA. 2011-2012.
- "Photo Global New Releases", SVA & New York Photo Festival, New York. 2011.
- "Project Paz Art Exhibition", New York. 2010 - 2011.
- “Lab Exhibition” Michael Foley and Sasha Wolf Gallery, New York. 2010.
- “Noche en Blanco” Cultural Night, Mexican Embassy, Madrid, Spain. 2010 .
- “Borders Violent-arte” Museo Lopez Portillo, Guadalajara, Mexico. 2010.
- “Borders” Solo Exhibition, Spazio Italia Gallery, Munich, Germany. 2009.
- “Borders” Solo Exhibition, TAI BOX Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2009.
- "Pecha Kucha Vol. 5" El Paso, United States. 2009.
- “Borders” Solo Exhibition, “Festival Cultural de la Ciudad”, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. 2009.
- Artseverywhere, Artist Grant, Canada. 2022.
- Silver Medal in Le Grand Prix de la Photographie Paris, Fine Art Category, 2019.
- Bronze Medal in Le Grand Prix de la Photographie Paris, Press Category, 2019.
- Portrait of Humanity Book, final selection published by British Journal of Photography and Magnum Photos. 2019.
- Documentary Family Awards, Judges Choice Award. United States. 2019.
- Documentary Family Awards, 2nd Place on Real Life Moments. United States. 2019.
- Charity Water, LJ5 Well, Aye Kulu Village, Ethiopia, 2013.
- American Consulate in Mexico Artist Grant. Mexico, 2011.
- Presidential Scholarship / Photo Global Residency / School of Visual Arts, New York, NY. 2010.
- Photo Semifinalist “Hyeres” Fashion and Photography International Competition. Hyeres, France. 2010.
- “Air Dolomiti” (Lufthansa) Photo Award, Trieste, Italy. 2009.
- Photo Finalist “ITS#EIGHT” Fashion and Photography International Competition. Trieste, Italy. 2009.
- Full Scholarship / Photography Masters Degree / Escuela Superior de Artes y Espectáculos, Madrid. 2009.
- Emmy Award for collaboration in WCCO TV Graphic Design Climate Package. Minneapolis, MN. 2008.
- Vogue Mexico and Latin America, January print issue, 2025.
- New York Times, Art to See at the US Museums, New York, 2024.
- Austria/Germany Serves TV documentary film interview, Mexico/USA Border, 2024.
- What Remains, Vogue México and Latin America, January print issue, 2024.
- Voices Magazine, University of Colorado, Boulder. 2023.
- La Trenza: Braiding Histories of Struggle, ArtsEverywhere, Canada. 2023
- What Remains: Part 1, ArtsEverywhere, Canada. 2023
- Cuarto Oscuro, Edition 173, México, 2022.
- La Frontera, A Tale of Two Realities, Arts Everywhere, Canada. 2022.
- Ser Mujer en Latinoamérica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México, UAM, 2022.
- VICE México, Norteñas y Fronterizas. México, 2021.
- Two sides of the Border Book by Tatiana Bilbao and Yale Architecture, 2021.
- Photoletter, Berlin, Paris. 2020
- Fotógrafas LATAM, Colombia. 2020
- Historias del COVID, fotofeminas, 2020.
- North Art Festival, México. 2020.
- Vogue México, 2020.
- PhotoEspaña, La Fábrica and Fundación Telefónica, The Face of Migration. 2020
- Photobook Coronalibro, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México UAM and Royal Holloway University London, 2020
- Conexion, Comite Fotográfico Mexicano, 2020.
- Fotofeminas IG takeover, 2020.
- WorldPress Photo IG takeover, 2020.
- North Art Fail, Mexico. 2020.
- Witness by World Press Photo and Foto Feminas, 2019.
- Portrait of Humanity Book, by British Journal of Photography, Magnum Photos, Hoxton Mini Press and Clear Channel, 2019.
- B&H Podcast interview, New York City, 2019.
- Texas Census Campaign Art Director and Photography, 2019.
- FotoFeminas, Photographer of the Month, 2019.
- Azul Arena and Cassandro el Exótico, Border Culture Magazine, 2019.
- Documentary Family Awards and Storytellers Book, 2019.
- Featured in film Documentary, "Mein unbekanntes America" for Channel 1. Switzerland, 2019.
- AJ+ Español, 2019.
- Vogue Mexico and Latin America, January Issue, 2019.
- Metro Journal, Brasil, 2018.
- Featured in "The Jungle" New York City. Film collaboration with Good Chance Theater, London, 2018.
- Photo Book, Ser Mujer en Latinoamérica, the book, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, CDMX, 2018.
- Reuters, El Paso TX, 2018.
- Photo Book, Migración 2.0 Book, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de México, UAM. 2018.
- Vogue México Latinoamérica, September Issue, 2018.
- Telehit Magazine cover, México, 2016.
- Border Crossings, La Salle University, Philadelphia, 2015.
- The RIFT, University of California Los Angeles, UCLA, 2015.
- Photo Book, La Frontera, by Stefan Falke, Germany, 2014.
- Photo Book, Be The Change, published in France, 2014.
- The Art Class curator, spotlight Juarez 03.11 Series. 2014.
- Columbia Journalism Review, "20 Women to Watch". July 2012.
- Huffington Post, Culture and Arts, Monica Lozano’s Photographs Depict Stories Of Struggle And Survival In Juarez. April, 2012.
- American Photo Magazine, "One to Watch" Column. Sept Issue. 2011.
- EFE International Agency / ”Borders” Featured work and interview to various media outlets. 2010.
- Juárez siempre en el Alma, Book, 2010.
- DXI International Magazine / “Disney Madrid” Cover and editorial content. 2010.
- Calle 20 Magazine Spain / Featured work and Interview. 2010.
- www.minispace.com Berlin / “Borders” Featured as Portfolio of the week. 2009.
- The Greatest show of all, ITS Book, Trieste, Italy, 2009.
- www.reporteindigo.com / 2009.
- Cibeles Fashion Week Madrid / Press Photographer. 2009.
- Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Queretaro, Mexico, 2025.
- What Remains, Abara Frontiers, Dartmouth New Hampshire Students, 2024.
- What Remains, Women in the Arts, Museo de las Americas, Denver, 2024.
- Trust and Belonging, What Remains, The Renee Crown Institute of Wellness, University of Colorado, Boulder. 2024.
- What Remains, Universidad de Monterrey UDEM, Monterrey Mexico, 2024.
- What Remains, Dartmouth Social Impact, New Hampshire, 2024.
- What Remains, Artseverywhere Festival, Ontario, Canada, 2024.
- What Remains, LA TRENZA, community Engagement, Derry, Ireland. 2024.
- What Remains, New Hampshire University, Social Impact, NH. 2023.
- Master Class Fotografia, Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI, Madrid, Spain, 2023.
- National Public Radio, State of the Arts interview. 2023.
- What Remains, LA TRENZA, Community Engagement, El Paso TX. 2023.
- What Remains Presentation, University of Colorado Denver, 2023.
- Lo que permanece, Encuentro Internacional Movilidad Humana, Monterrey, Mexico, 2023.
Photography Course, El Paso TX. 2023.
Coloquio Internacional de Migración, Guanajuato, Mexico. 2022.
Artist Talk, Dartmouth, Center for Social Impact, Hanover New Hampshire, 2022.
Photography Course, Circles de Confianza, Crown Institute of Wellness, University of Colorado at Boulder. 2022
Spin it Social Hour with Steffen A. Kaplan, NYC. 2021
Charlando con Fotografas, CDMX, 2021.
"Borders", Rotary International. 2021.
"Migracion, Activismo y Documentación", Museo de Arte de Ciudad Juárez. 2020.
PhotoEspaña, La Fábrica and Fundación Telefónica, The Face of Migration. 2020
- El Retrato, virtual workshop. 2020.
- Photo Basics, virtual workshop, 2020.
- Artist Talk, Albuquerque Photographic Club, 2020.
- TEDx Talk, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. 2019.
- Conversatorio Mujeres Fotógrafas en la Frontera. INBA, Ciudad Juárez, 2019.
- Clickfest, Merida Yucatan Mexico, 2018.
- Photography and Architecture, Texas Tech University. 2018.
- Professional Practices, University of Texas at El Paso, 2018.
- Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, 2017.
- BodaF, Queretaro, Mexico. 2017.
- Ellas Workshop, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 2016.
- Jewel Box, El Paso Community Foundation, El Paso TX, 2016.
- Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM, 2016.
- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad Antropologia Social. 2016.
- Clickfest, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 2015.
- Artist Talk, Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, March 2014.
- CNN Latin America interview for MUJER LATINA, 2013.
- Free Dimensional, Centro Cultural España, Mexico City, October 2013.
- Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas de Diseño, Encuadre, October 2013.
- TEDx Talk, El Paso TX, Sept. 2013.
- Artist Talk, Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), Mexico. May 2013.
- International Day of Peace, Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico City, Sept. 2012.
- Filosofía y Fotografía, Museo de la Revolución en la Frontera, Ciudad Juarez, 2012.